Benoit Jouhaud

Benoit Jouhaud

Lyon, France

Lead Developer, Prestaconcept


My name is Benoit Jouhaud, I am currently Lead Developer at Prestaconcept in Lyon - France.

Prestaconcept is a small company specialised in specific web development. Expert on PHP technologies and Symfony.

Prestaconcept is SensioLabs Bronze Partner.

I develop backend application based on sonata-project bundles and I am used to develop frontend application based on Twitter Bootstrap and JS Frameworks.

I am working under a dockerized environment. My work is monitored by a continuous integration server and a deployment process.

Prestaconcept let us spend a great part of our time in research and development. We work with great tools like Symfony framework, Sonata-Project, Git, Composer, Behat, Docker, GitLab CI...

You can see our work on:

Benoit Jouhaud is a member of the community since September 2014.