Mark Nottingham

Mark Nottingham

Prahran, Australia

Senior Principal Engineer, Office of the CTO, Fastly


Mark Nottingham has helped develop the Web and the Internet since the late 90’s.

He has written, edited or substantially contributed to more than twenty IETF RFCs and W3C Recommendations about topics like HTTP, caching, linking, Web architecture, privacy and security.

He has chaired the HTTP Working Group since 2007 and has been a member of the Internet Architecture Board since 2017. Before that, he served on the W3C Technical Architecture Group.

Beyond standards work, he helped deploy a precursor to “enterprise” CDNs in 1998, designed HTTP APIs and owned a caching platform at Yahoo!, and has contributed to several Open Source projects. Currently, he’s part of the Office of the CTO at Fastly.

Mark is married to Anitra with two sons, Charlie and Bennet. They live in Melbourne, Australia.

Mark Nottingham is a member of the community since November 2020.

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